Monday, September 17, 2012

How can I create a ItemTemplate like Content/Master page for non-aspx page in Visual Studio

How can I create a ItemTemplate like Content/Master page for non-aspx page in Visual Studio

I have a Windows PhoneApplication Page. It derives from a BasePage. So I have exported it as a ItemTemplate and it works fine.

Now I have a property "MasterFile" in my xaml. How can I make this property dynamic when the page is created using my custom template?

The best example is: webform + Masterpage. In VS we get an option to select the masterpage when we want to add a new Content WebForm. This sets the MasterPage property in the .aspx page.

I am looking for similar functionality with my WP silverlight Phone page template.

Edit: I am found this:

Have to try that out.

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