Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DataGrid Horizontal Binding

DataGrid Horizontal Binding

Title may be mistaken, but not, please keep reading.

I need a dynamic datagrid, so I'm creating the columns by using this method which gets the "selected" columns to display:

    public void ConfigureGridColumns()     {         App.Instance.MainWindow.grdDetail.mainGrd.Columns.Clear();          var stats = new List<Statistic>();         stats.AddRange(App.Instance.Manager.PersonalizeStatistics.OrderBy(x => x.Index).Where(x => x.Selected).Select(x => x.Statistic));          foreach (var stat in stats)         {             var column = new DataGridTextColumn             {                 Header = stat.Name,                 Binding = new Binding(stat.Key)             };         }     } 

Now, I DO NOT WANT to create a model that contains ALL the columns, because I have more than 150 dynamic columns.

So I'm dynamically generating the ItemsSource by building a custom DataTable where row's column is mapped by the key like previous:

        private void ConfigureGridSource()         {         var dt = new DataTable("stats");          foreach (var player in App.Instance.Manager.Players.Values.Take(5))         {             var row = dt.NewRow();             foreach (var stat in stats)             {                 if (!dt.Columns.Contains(stat.Statistic.Key))                     t.Columns.Add(stat.Statistic.Key, typeof(StatisticPersonalizedValue));                  var persStat = new StatisticPersonalizedValue(stat);                 persStat.Value = player.Statistics[stat.Statistic.Key];                  row[stat.Statistic.Key] = persStat;             }             dt.Rows.Add(row);         }         grdDetail.mainGrd.ItemsSource = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(dt.DefaultView);         } 

Issue is that:


        Binding = new Binding(stat.Key) 

I get the namespace of StatisticPersonalizedValue as text


        Binding = new Binding("Value") 

I get empty string (Value is the property of StatisticPersonalizedValue which is being valued in the second method)

I'm using models because I also have setters for positive and negative values in case, do you have any idea on how to fix this?

Answers & Comments...

Answer: 1

Ok, fixed that.

I had to add a custom converter

Binding = new Binding(stat.Key) { Converter = new StatisticPersonalizedValueConverter() }    public class StatisticPersonalizedValueConverter : IValueConverter {     public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)     {         if (value is StatisticPersonalizedValue)         {             return (value as StatisticPersonalizedValue).Value;         }         return string.Empty;      }      public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)     {         throw new NotImplementedException();     } } 

This did the trick.

by : Luca Trazzihttp://stackoverflow.com/users/127041

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