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hello sir i am bipin singh sir two submit button named facebook and google id respectevely "connectwithfacebook","connectwithgoogle" if we click facebook then in database a colum named user_account saved it means user_account=facebook vice versa for google sir please send whole code (view,model,controller) "MVC3 ASP.net"
Bipin to call control have a look at the below link
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227624/asp-net-mvc-controller-actions-that-return-json-or-partial-html Regarding second question- I can't understand your requirement. Please elaborate your question a little bit
Hello sir i am bipin singh And my question is that "i am using css in wpf based application" but css reflection are not show when projects run but it show when we design. provide some reference link i am follow following link:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36499/Using-CSS-Selectors-for-Styling-in-WPF
through json object call a controller in mvc asp.net
hello sir i am bipin singh
sir two submit button named facebook and google id respectevely "connectwithfacebook","connectwithgoogle" if we click facebook then in database a colum named user_account saved it means user_account=facebook vice versa for google
sir please send whole code (view,model,controller)
"MVC3 ASP.net"
Bipin to call control have a look at the below link
Regarding second question- I can't understand your requirement. Please elaborate your question a little bit
Hello sir i am bipin singh
And my question is that "i am using css in wpf based application" but css reflection are not show when projects run but it show when we design.
provide some reference link
i am follow following link:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36499/Using-CSS-Selectors-for-Styling-in-WPF
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