Monday, October 29, 2012

Retrieving the value from a combo box within a dataform!!

Retrieving the value from a combo box within a dataform!!

Hi there,

I have what should hopefully be a fairly simple question. I have a combobox held within a dataform which is in edit mode. My combobox is bound and populated from an entity collection and is displaying the correct choices, only when I select one and save the changes back the combobox value comes back as null. My xaml code for the combobox is below, I simply want to retrieve the text value held in the combobox.


<toolkit:DataField Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" Label="Category" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"  LabelVisibility="Visible" Mode="Auto" IsReadOnly="False">     <ComboBox Height="Auto" Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Name="CategoryCombo" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" SelectedValue="{Binding CATNAME_, Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedItem="{Binding CATNAME_, Mode=TwoWay}" >        <ComboBox.ItemTemplate>            <DataTemplate>                <TextBlock Text="{Binding CATNAME_, Mode=TwoWay}" />            </DataTemplate>         </ComboBox.ItemTemplate>       </ComboBox>  </toolkit:DataField>

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Answers & Comments...

Answer: 1

You might need to write a converter for that. Which will return the desired Text for this.

Let me know if you want me to write the code for you.

Answer: 2

Check this

Answer: 3

 Below is the code I use to query the database to populate the combobox.

var GDCategoriesloadOperation = context.Load<GDCategory>(context.GetGDCategoriesbyClientandSchemeQuery(GlobalVariables.currentClientRef, GlobalVariables.selectedSchemeName));  GDCategoriesloadOperation.Completed += new EventHandler(GDCategoriesloadOperation_Completed);  
private void GDCategoriesloadOperation_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)          {              PolicyCategory = dataForm1_addMember.FindNameInContent("CategoryCombo") as ComboBox;              PolicyCategory.ItemsSource = context.GDCategories;          }

I can retrieve the value as GDCategories:3 which is the correct id for the item but obviously i'd like the text value. Funny I seem to find comboBoxes to be one of the most frustrating things in silverlight

Answer: 4

You are Binding only the CATNAME_ to your combo. How are you getting the ID? I did not see any ID field in the Binding.

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