Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Convert WPF Application to Silverlight 4

Convert WPF Application to Silverlight 4

How can i convert WPF Application to Silverlight 4 ? Please give me any appropriate solution

Answers & Comments...

Answer: 1

Jigna Punjabi

Jigna Punjabi

Answer: 2

Check this below link

since you already have a WPF application. I think what you will need to do first is to convert WPF XAML to Silverlight XAML, you can do this through Expression design. It can export Silverlight XAML.

Regarding input controls. There is a coming release in a couple of weeks or less. It was implied on this forum that this release will have input controls, so I believe you should wait for the next soon to be released version. If you can't wait, you can use the SilverlightControls that comes with the 1.1 SDK. THese controls are included: Button, Slider, ScrollBar, ScrollViewer, ListBox. Another approach is to overlay HTML input controls over the Silverlight control, which I do not recommend. There is also 40+ controls available for Silverlight for free . My personal recommendation, and I could be wrong, but I think you better wait for a couple of weeks till the next release comes to light.

Answer: 3


There is a coming release in a couple of weeks

Do you have any details on this - what can we expect is it VS2010 or VS2012?

Answer: 4

hi Jigna Punjabi

If you used controls that are supported in both Silverlight and WPF, it should be straightforward by simply creating a Silverlight project and placing all the xaml code into the project.

The primary things that you would need to change is the namespaces. There may also be some APIs that Silverlight supports that WPF doesn't.

Thanks & Regards
Mastan Narravula
Mark as Answer", if it helped you or it might help others too.

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