I'm attempting to build a golf game tracking program that uses a canvas to hold an arranged set of buttons and databound items for each player. Because the number of people in a game is dynamic, I need to be able to build the canvases on the fly and bind them on the fly as well. the problem I'm having is setting up the databinding. If I attempt to bind in code then the text for the binding (text={Binding}) always comes out as though it were a string literal instead of an actual binding. To get around this I attempted to build a template of the canvas, but I can't find a way to actually apply the template to a new canvas as I build out new players.
So with all that in mind, what is the best way to either A) build a template canvas with all my controls so I can just copy and bind to each player, or B) build the text bindings dynamically without having to resort to XAML?
Edit: The following was added for clarification on how I'm creating a textblock.
TextBlock newBlock = new TextBlock { Text = "{Binding}", FontSize = 42, DataContext = Player.SomeStat, Name = Player.PlayerName , };
The value shown on the screen for the textblock (instead of what it should be) is: {Binding}
Answer: 1
To create a Binding in code you need to go some extra steps:
object myDataObject = DataContext; Binding myBinding = new Binding(); myBinding.Source = myDataObject; myBinding.Path="."; // not sure if required newBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, myBinding);
by : HDW Productionhttp://stackoverflow.com/users/1393983
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