Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to detect back button or forward button navigation in a silverlight navigation application

How to detect back button or forward button navigation in a silverlight navigation application

When a Page is navigated to in silverlight you can override this method.

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) {     base.OnNavigatedTo(e); } 

The NavigationEventArgs has a NavigationMode enumeration which is defined as

public enum NavigationMode {     New = 0,     Back = 1,     Forward = 2,     Refresh = 3, } 

But calling e.NavigationMode always throws a NotImplementedException

Is there a way in silverlight to detect a page is being navigated to because the user hit the forward/back browser button.

What I am trying to achieve is some kind of state that can be preserved when the user hits the back button.

For example assume you have a customer page which is showing a list of customers in a datagrid. The user can select a customer and there is a detail view which shows all the orders for that customer. Now within an order item you can click a hyperlink link that takes you to the shipping history of the order which is a separate page. When the user hits the back button I want to go back to the customers page and automatically select the customer he was viewing. Is this possible at all ?

I also tried out the fragment navigation feature

NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("#currentcustomerid="         + customer.Id.ToString(), UriKind.Relative)); 

when the customer selection changes but this adds too many items to the history when the user clicks various customers on the customer page.

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