Hi ,
I have a ASP.Net Application running. On a *.aspx page in this application i want to show a Silverlight Bar chart .I know , i have to create a WCF To show the data in chart .
but how we can embed this Silverlight object in any aspx page in my already running ASP.Net Application.
What will we the process.?
Answer: 1
Just add a Silverlight App to your current solution. Then in the Web app properties, Silverlight tab, add your SL app to the list so the Xap will be deployed to server /ClientBin folder.
Then use the plugin with an object tag in your HTML page (ASP.NET page).
That's all.
If your SL app is needing some data, you will have to add an Entity Framework model to the Web app, select the source and tables to use, than add WCF Ria service to expose data (and add a client policy file to the root of you web app). In Silverlight App you will finally add a reference to the service and you'll be ready to use the data.
You can also use something simpler : the SL app can get its data from the parameters in the Html object tag... The ASP.NET page can then write with a bit C# scripting a "data" parameter to pass the data as a string ("12;54.2;85" for exemple). The SL App will just have to read the parameter and draw the chart without any need to access a data server...
Answer: 2
In Column Series of Chart , I want to change the Style of ColumnSeries as Cylindrical(Cylinder).Is there inbuild method in Silverlight chart ? If not we can achieve it ?
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