Some days ago I realized that in Silverlight, in order to always update the bindings on any texbox (in order to validate for error in each KeyPress) I needed this code on TextChanged Event event in every TextBox I had in the system:
TextBox txCtl = (TextBox)sender; if (txCtl != null) { var be = txCtl.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty); if (be != null) { be.UpdateSource(); } }
This code works pretty well (source: The problem is: I don't want to repeat it in every view CodeBehind I have, so I decided to make a custom ViewBase where I would leave this code on it. What I did was simply:
public class ViewBase : ChildWindow { protected void tboxTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { TextBox txCtl = (TextBox)sender; if (txCtl != null) { var be = txCtl.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty); if (be != null) { be.UpdateSource(); } } } }
And then my view now is a ViewBase, instead of a UserControl, so I also changed the XAML to:
<src:ViewBase x:Class="Oi.SCPOBU.Silverlight.Pages.CadastroClassificacao" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:src="clr-namespace:Oi.SCPOBU.Silverlight.Pages" [...]
Finally, in my textbox I left the event referencing the same method as usual, but now the method is in ViewBase, istead of being in the CodeBehind:
<TextBox x:Name="tbxNome" Width="300" MaxLength="50" HorizontalAlignment="Left" TextChanged="tboxTextChanged" Text="{Binding DTOClassificacao.Nome, Mode=TwoWay, NotifyOnValidationError=True>
Seems pretty straightforward to me, but this doesn't work. The code compiles, but in runtime I get the error: "Message=Failed to assign to property 'System.Windows.Controls.TextBox.TextChanged'. [Line: 43 Position: 37]", on the InitializeComponent() Method.
Anybody knows how can I assign a method from my base class to an event? Or will I really have to repeat this code in every single View I have?
Answer: 1
in order to always update the bindings on any texbox (in order to validate for error in each KeyPress) I needed this code on TextChanged Event event in every TextBox I had in the system
Have you tried UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged
<TextBox Text="{Binding Text, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
by : Dennis
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