Monday, October 1, 2012

Using native components from Silverlight for document generation

Using native components from Silverlight for document generation

I am developing a Silverlight application with C# and Silverlight 5. Now, I am searching for a way to handle native documents like Microsoft Office documents. Can someone give me some tips, how I can handle:

  • transferring documents from the client to the server and vice versa (storing documents local which and transferring local documents to the server)
  • creating local documents with data from the server btw. from the Silverlight application?
  • using native components like Microsoft Word or other (COM, DLL's) from the Silverlight client?
  • communication with native/local processes

Are there concepts, how to do this? What about the platform-independence?

Is there a way to develop a small native-client for Windows (and for MacOS)? - or are there other, simpler possibilities?

Answers & Comments...

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