Monday, October 1, 2012

How can one resize a Tiff image in Silverlight or with a Silverlight compatible library?

How can one resize a Tiff image in Silverlight or with a Silverlight compatible library?

Silverlight doesn't have implicit support for Tiff images and so I am unable to load a tiff image into a stream then into an Image, Bitmap, BitapImage or WriteableBitmap and resize that way.

I have looked at but I think that only handles encoding/decoding and not resizing.

Surely people using Silverlight have had to resize Tiff images before? An explanation of how to do this would be great..

Is the only way to do something like.. use LibTiff to convert to Bitmap, resize Bitmap then use LibTiff to convert back to Tiff?

Has anyone else had a similar problem?


-- Lee

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